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Old 03-14-2014, 11:19 PM
b09u5 b09u5 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 39
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
I don't believe that there is such a thing. :-). There are lots of options, all of which you seem to be aware of already.

Maybe set up a poll to see which of the ones you listed seem to be the most trendy these days.
Thanks kein,

I might just take a poll. All I am really looking to know is more of what Mitch is getting at.... the drawbacks of the older denitrators. (Thanks Mitch, those are the pieces of the puzzle that I am missing - along with a few more i bet!)

So far, I hear that they can plug and cause H2S issues and power failures. Other than that, I hear they could keep Nitrates <0.05ppm. If those are the only two drawbacks, and I could solve them, ie: run effulent through GFO to remove the risk of H2S and have the intake line kept open with power (shuts down without), wouldn't that be a good thing?

Or am I a noob, over engineering/overthinking this hobby?
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