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Old 03-03-2014, 04:52 PM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Lethbridge
Posts: 105
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Yes, although even as described it seems any changes, losses, or intakes are still relatively temporary and heavily based on environmental stressors. Remove them from such stresses and any change that may have took place will be slowly filtered out as well. I believe that is why no two identical pieces are going to look the same in everyone's tank. How come your X looks different then my X? I bought this coral and it was full of colour and now it's been a month and the colours just don't seems to be as they were originally, or the opposite, and wow look at how this plane jane coloured up. Etc. The environmental stressors in each tank are going to be different and thus the relationship between host and zoo are going to adapt and respond to these and visible changes can certainly take place. You could pass the exact same coral around between multiple tanks and in each tank it could look different. Some even notice big changes between the exact same piece in the display, and the exact same piece in there frag tank that is plumbed into the exact same system or even differnent characteristics within the same display, one higher, one lower, flow, shade, available nutrient etc. Etc. However the genetic make up is still the same, and genetic dominance of any given traits will always prevail. So sure we can see colour variances and so called "morphs" between yours and mine but those changes will be based on the environment they are subjected to and does not mean we have created some new color combination nor will we be able to. The genetics are the dominating factor, and genetically we cannot change what the predisposition of a species is. Not unless we manipulate them on a genetic level. However as I mentioned in my earlier post, it has been well documented that some species may indeed, tolerate, and even form to an extent a beneficial relationship if allowed to grow and fuse together and even take advantage of the others predispositions to accommodate there own needs. Most specifically nutrient sharing. But your still only left with one and the other. Nothing new has been created. No hybrid. No new super species. It's just not going to happen at home IMO no matter how many we cut up and piece together or inject one into another etc.
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