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Old 02-20-2014, 12:58 PM
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Spyd Spyd is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Kitchener, ON
Posts: 188
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Just wanted to say thanks Eli for the awesome rock pieces. I was able to add them to my system the other day and totally transformed my frag tank into an awesome LPS / frag tank.

I drilled the large piece in the middle with about 20 holes or so to place my SPS frags. The large Tonga shelf piece was attached to an existing shelf piece I had with epoxy. It is wedged in place. TOnga on the left hooked in to the base piece and epoxyed as well. Piece on the right is pushed tight against the base with epoxy in between and sandbed is holding it in place.

I love the design and it came out just the way I had planned. Thanks for digging around and finding the pieces with the dimensions I requested. I greatly appreciate all the effort in making my design become reality.

Before shot. Just grew tired of a boring frag tank look:

New FTS using the Tonga Shelf rock from Eli.

Close up of the rockwork. Don't mind the coral placements. I just kind of threw them all in there for now.