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Old 02-19-2014, 05:58 PM
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reefermadness reefermadness is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Woodstock, ONTARIO
Posts: 849
reefermadness is on a distinguished road

I think your in the minority feeling this way. As long as the colour representation is good why do you care what angle the picture is taken. in today's world you should just be happy that the picture lines up with real life. How can you hold hold it against someone for trying to show the best of a coral. Under this idea people should be taking pictures of frags from a foot or two back as who sits inches away from a frag

And fyi I did and do spend a significant amount of time watching my aquarium from above. It's the most colourful view.

Also when you go to the store they are set up for top down viewing as well.
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