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Old 02-05-2014, 06:12 PM
rayjay rayjay is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: London, Ontario
Posts: 340
rayjay is on a distinguished road

What different phytos do you have? Rotifers are no good for enrichment as they are less nutritious than the newly hatched brine nauplii.
I have to enrich the rotifers before I can use them for seahorse fry, and even clownfish fry do better when properly enriched. They don't take as long as brine nauplii to enrich as they are voracious eaters.
It's a LOT cheaper to decapp your own cysts.
I buy the best cysts Brine Shrimp Direct sells and while it took me a few batches to get the timing down right, it's basically pretty simple and you can do a large batch to last a few weeks by storing them in saturated salt water in the fridge.
I did find however that when I changed brands of bleach, I sometimes had to adjust the time of bleaching as not all bleaches are the exact same strength.
When I stick to using the same brand I don't have the problem.
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