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Old 02-05-2014, 03:38 AM
rayjay rayjay is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: London, Ontario
Posts: 340
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With reef tank flow rates, the brine shrimp nauplii cannot make their way around the tank and will merely get sucked up by any mechanical filtration so it would be case of feeding some to the tank with shutting off return pump and power heads until feeding has been done.
Any enrichment you use has to be appropriately sized so Reef Roids would be too large for nauplii and they don't have a proper nutrient profile to be an enrichment. The mandarin would probably eat the Reef Roids even though they are meant to feed corals I believe.
Also, you need to consider sterilizing the cysts before hatching, or use decapped cysts to lessen the chances of adding nasty bacteria to your tank as brine shrimp cysts are known to be a problem this way.
When brine shrimp hatch out, they have no active digestive system and it will take about a day for them to get to the second instar stage where they can feed.
For proper enrichment it would take 2 twelve hour stages with new water and enrichment for each stage. First stage basically gut loads them, and second stage the enrichment becomes assimilated into their flesh making nutrition much better.
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