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Old 02-04-2014, 07:57 PM
Basile Basile is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Gatineau Ottawa Canada
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Default Whats your feeding tips

I was feeding my horses and i'm wondering about feeding TIPS; WHATS YOUR FEEDING TIPS I've noticed my nassarius snails trying to get into the feeding box of the horses. So i feed them first to distract them, then they leave the box alone. My fish the same happens with my Tang and Foxface, my super little clowns, the shrimp who steals everything, the chromis affraid of everything and the CUC so whats your tips. Just wondering. Besides stoping the pumps for 10-15 min. Do you use turkey baster, let it float, clips, by hand, automation, seperate times, all at once. First time for me to have carnivores and herbees at the same time so yes i'm asking for real lol.

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