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Old 02-04-2014, 03:50 AM
CanuckReefer CanuckReefer is offline
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 13
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Yah I defiantly don't dose every day but I check my levels every week and add what is necessary at that point. So during the month I might add Ca twice and Mg maybe once to bump it up. I always used baked baking soda, but that's basically to keep my ph up I thought.

I defiantly need a dosing pump no doubt. Just didn't want to spend $300 on one.

Sometimes I'll check my alk if the corals are receding and it will be 5-6. So I'll make up a BS solution and add it slowly. This happens all the time. So my alk can swing between 5-8 sometimes.
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