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Old 01-20-2014, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by FishyFishy! View Post
I started at the age of 16 with a 2 Gallon Marina Betta tank and a half moon betta. Then to a free 10 gallon setup that a friend gave me. And from there.... it was a hoarding nightmare!! And the worst thing is... i'm sure I am forgetting a few setups. lol.

Here's my total including freshwater!

1- 2 gallon Betta (half moon)
2- 5 gallon Betta (crown tail)
3- 10 gallon freshwater community
4- 60 gallon cichlid tank
5- 40 gallon brackish archerfish/puffer/mono sebae tank
6- 80 gallon bowfront cichlid tank
7- 8 gallon betta vase (crown tail)
8- 8 gallon betta vase (half moon)
9- 10 gallon serpae tetra mini reef (fake reef, white sand) freshwater
10- 30 Gallon Tiger Barb / semi agressive community
11- 30 gallon Angelfish tank
12- 180 gallon arowana tank (22" Jardini + tiger oscars + jack dempsey + frontosa)
13- 80 Gallon Half circle premium cichlid community (one of my faves!)
14- 10 Gallon tetra/danio community tank (office tank)
15- 77 Gallon half circle community tank (fake reef)
16- 2X20 gallon breeders for apple snails

17- 110g FOWLR
18- 50g Reef
19- 10g Nano
20- 5g Pico
21- 2.5g Pico
22- 14g Biocube Reef
23- 14g Biocube Mantis Shrimp Tank
24- 30g reef (fully setup and wet.. never added livestock)
25- 29g Bowfront Reef
26- 10g Kitchen Nano
27- 29g Biocube Reef
28- 90g FOWLR
29- 30g Shallow Clam Tank
30- 187g Reef (so far was my favorite tank ever)
31- 155g Bowfront Reef (only set up for a month before getting smashed)
32- 131g FOWLR
33- Fluval Edge Nano
34- 39g bowfront Reef
35- On my last final build with one massive tank, filter room... hopefully my permanent one!!

Tanks I currently have sitting around dry:
90 Gallon drilled (48")
170 Gallon (84")
175 Gallon Sump (72")
40 Gallon (48")
50 Gallon (48")
20 Gallon (24" shallow cube)
20 Gallon (24" shallow cube)
10 Gallon
10 Gallon
5 Gallon
2.5 Gallon

I think that I might need help.....
I think your beyond needing help I think an intervention is in order ......

My tanks in order

1) 25 gallon I was so proud of this bought it all with my own money then proceeded to overstock it with goldfish(all became cat food eventually)
2) 10 gallon
3) 33 gallon my first tank since my teen years just after I moved into the city 17 yrs ago
4) 10 gallon Molly tank
5) 45 gallon fresh water everything tank(sold to neighbours kid when I moved to my house)
6) repurposed my 33 gallon to salt water 2 yrs ago
7) 95 gallon
8) who knows?
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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