Thread: Tang Troubles
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Old 01-12-2014, 09:34 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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Well a quick update...I turned the lights on...and the beatings continued. I had already been using a mirror but someone suggested a bigger I went to Walmart and for $7 got a 4ft mirror that i've placed along one of the sides...has it worked???? Maybe a little. The YT is watching himself as often as he is beating on the others maybe a 50% reduction. The other fish have all gone insane...the hippo is not thrilled and my blue fairy wrasse has gone bonkers. The Sailfin is now using one eye to watch for yellow and the other to attack itself in the mirror. Even the goby is open mouthing the mirror side in aggression.
How the hell did i get so many grumpy fish? Without the New additions...there has been zero aggression in my tank over the last year. Only when the yellow sees a new tang.

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
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