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Old 01-07-2014, 06:41 PM
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tlhood tlhood is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Calgary
Posts: 473
tlhood is on a distinguished road

In addition to replacing the lightbulbs, I replaced the heater with a 150W Eheim.

After the holidays, I stopped by Big Al's and Pisces. I was looking for replacement bulbs and thought I would participate in the Boxing Day sales. Unfortunately, no one seemed to have the stock bulbs for the RSM, and I had to order them online. Speaking of which, they are supposed to be delivered today, making it about 11 days since I ordered them from Big Al's online. Hopefully they aren't frozen and busted.

I purchased a couple Scarlet Hermits from Pisces, along with a few Astrea snails, and I bought two Nerite snails from Big Al's. I drip acclimate everything religiously, even though I've heard some people say you can just plop snails in. To my disappointment, and what seems to be a recurring theme, the snails I bought from Big Al's died. I later went back to Big Al's to get some Cerith snails since Pisces didn't have any, and of the three only one survived. I did get a super speedy Nassarius from Big Al's which survived, and is probably one of my favourites in the tank so far. I get attached to things really fast, and was bummed that I already lost so many snails. I fixed my sadness by naming my remaining dudes. Hermits are Herman and Hubert, the Nassarius is Scooter, and the Cerith is being referred to by myself and my mom as "the little black one".

They have been in the tank just over a week.

A few nights ago I was passing the tank and literally freaked out. THIS was sitting on a rock staring into my soul.

Some suggested it was a porcelain crab, which apparently hitched a ride from Wai's. It doesn't really matter what it was now, as I found its body and insides splayed across my sandbed yesterday. He either died from starvation, or Hubert killed him.

I bought a little 2g Fluval to serve as a QT tank, and set up shop for my newest additions, two black ocellaris.

And here are some pictures of my crew that assists in water changes and tank inspection.

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