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Old 12-24-2013, 04:43 PM
FMMreefer FMMreefer is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Fort McMurray
Posts: 6
FMMreefer is on a distinguished road
Default 110g saltwater shutdown

I had my tank for sale for some time now with no takers. I have been away from home quite a bit now, and it turns out my tanksitter isn't very good. I came back to a complete crash and zero (yes zero) salinity. All my corals liquified and lost most of my fish. I just don't have the time to care for it and I don't feel it is fair to the few remaining fish to have them suffer while I am away.

I have about 120# of live rock with left over zoas and palys, a breeding pair of bangaii's, a black and orange clownfish, a jerk yellow tang (lol) and a Rainford's goby.

I have the glass and stand, two ehiem canister filters, 9w UV sterilizer with pump setup, 100gpd RO/DI, two hang on protein skimmers, two old Hydor powerheads, couple of heaters, and two maxspect Razor 120W LED lights.

I need to have this gone, preferably as a setup, but pieced out starting with live rock and/or fish. I don't have prices, IM me and make me an offer on what you want.

For anyone in Edmonton interested, I will meet half way for anyone that would like the system or a large part of the setup.
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