Thread: Xbox one or PS4
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Old 12-18-2013, 02:31 PM
sirruckus sirruckus is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Okotoks, Alberta
Posts: 52
sirruckus is on a distinguished road

got a PS4 - and the introduction of these new systems was pretty un-eccessary. If you consider the potential of how satisfied people were with XBox 360 and PS3 and how may games were available - it would have been better to keep marketing it for a couple more years.

the step up in graphics from PS3 doesn't feel as pronouced as say ps2 vs ps3

the PS4 is lightning fast compared to the PS3

Controller doesn't last nearly as long

Have been playing battlefield 4 and the game and or console is very glitchy - dozens of kick out of games, loosing all player data - but suspect that is a battlefield 4 problem

I would almost consider the Xbox one msyelf - and I've never used or owned one before.
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