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Old 12-17-2013, 07:48 PM
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asylumdown asylumdown is offline
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as a direct result of that thread and the copious amount of reading on heterotrophic bacteria that I did, I changed my tune a little on bacterial dosing, which if you read that thread to the end, I mentioned. I'm still suspicious of them for the reasons that I wrote about in that thread, however. You'll note that I mentioned in my last post that I was going to start dosing a bacterial supplement. What I didn't mention is that I already have been. Microbacter7 to be specific, which I believe is what you champion isn't it? I wanted Dr. Tim's Waste Away but getting it shipped here costs as much as the product itself, so I went with what I could buy 15 minutes from my house. I started at the recommended 'start up' dose for a week (which on my tank burnt through almost an entire large bottle), then down to the 'maintenance' dose, which I've been dosing for just shy of three weeks, so nearly a month total. The effect: zero, zilch, nada. There was no visible difference in the extent or rate of growth of the cyano. If anything it got worse. However, considering that cyano was already established and the balance of power was shifted in its favour, this doesn't really surprise me, which is why, if you'll kindly re-read what I just posted, I said I'm going to be dosing a bacterial supplement after this is over in the hopes that it sets up a new competitive regime. Microbacter7 to be specific, I just didn't think there was a point in naming a brand.

So why exactly do you feel like you're bashing your head against a wall? That sounds awfully painful, I would stop if I were you.
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