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Old 08-06-2004, 01:39 AM
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Bob I Bob I is offline
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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Bob I is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by kuatto
I'm sure any zoo frags you bring if and when you come for a visit will be snapped up Which of your zoos do you find grow faster?(besides your famous green zoos)
There are three or four besides the now infamous green ones that are very good growers. I think the best of these is the Fluorescent Green/Orange zoo. I am doing the best I can by fragging some every day. My goal is to put all the frags in my 15 gallon Q tank upstairs, which is waiting for the summer heat to subside. In addition I am down to four frag plugs, so I have to get some rubble. On top of everything else I soon have to learn how to frag Ricordia.
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---------Homer Simpson--------
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