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Old 11-18-2013, 04:04 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Kitimat BC
Posts: 352
skabooya is on a distinguished road

I want to keep this fairly small and simple as I need to bring water from home as it is. Our school water is not fish friendly. I learned that in 2011. So cleaning needs to be minimal as I can only dump water in the school drain and carry premixed water from home. As cool as fish would be they would add too much to a bioload.
Shrimp would be neat but I have never had success with them other than in my freshwater systems.
It would be great if I could find a sealed system so evaporation would be very minimal. And really the light only needs to be strong enough to see into the tank. I have heard of people keeping hermits in bowls like a betta bowl but I don't think that is fair, nor would the hermits live for very long.

My gosh I sound like a newb. Ive been in the hobby a long time and I just want opinions LOL.
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