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Old 11-13-2013, 05:55 PM
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Magickiwi Magickiwi is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I've got 4 girls, none of them have ever touched my tank. Not a stupid question at all..., why is your child playing in your tank?? If anything is stupid, it's that.

And no, if for some reason I thought it was a smart idea to let my children play in my tank, I'd tell them to not touch the worm or they'll get itchy fingers. Some lessons are learned the hard way -lol
So as a parent of four girls you can't imagine any scenario where they would reach into the tank without your knowledge or permission? Do you keep the top bolted on? You never do tank maintenance with them around? Do you have any rock in your sump? Is that within reach? When they were 2 did they understand and hear everything you told them and subsequently never did anything ill-advised? Did you keep your poisonous cleaners like drain cleaner, etc. up out of reach with the cap on despite you telling them not to touch it?

It was a stupid question and a smart-a** comment to boot. No I do not LET her play in the tank but it's my job to think of things that could happen and prevent them. You do your parenting, I'll take care of mine.
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