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Old 07-31-2004, 12:53 AM
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Scavenger Scavenger is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Nanaimo, British Columbia
Posts: 623
Scavenger is on a distinguished road
Default Health Concern. What not to do.

So, I just got back from the hospital. Not a great day. After being stung in the finger by a wasp, I decided to do some minor aquascaping. My stung finger with a minor wound where I dug out the stinger just brushed a zoo rock and within 2 minutes, I couldn't feel a thing from the shoulder down. Pulse hit high into the 100's and every vein in my body stood out like a steroid freak pumping iron. Wait, there's more. Next stop was nausea central. Spent a bit in the washroom vomiting extensively. Got to hospital, and they did their tests. Had me drink this and that, drained off tons of blood for tests and had me wired for sound. Apparently the two toxins don't do well together. Duh! So after an observation period after the symptoms passed they finally let me come home. Strange thing was, the whole time, I was worried because I had knocked my plate coral into the shade during the fiasco and that was what I was most concerned about. Go figure eh?
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