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Old 10-29-2013, 01:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
Well, that's good (liking healthy arguments). Candor without malice, is what we used to say in the corporate world where I worked.

We used to live and die by all the numbers, and stretched and shrunk them every quarter (with the help of our creative accountants) to make our owners and shareholders happy. But I'm retired now, and have to say I hate numbers now, and do my best not to overly manage my personal finance, including how much I spend on reefing, etc. I just know it is a lot, and anything I can do to cut it back a bit (without compromising the quality and pleasure of my hobby experience) is good. So, no, I am not going to get out the meters and check my exact power usage, or calculate all my equipment cost and depreciation, etc. That would take much of the fun out of this hobby...

All I can tell you, is that my canopy (6 foot tank) was totally jammed with T5s before. They were very hot, and I know used a lot of power, incl the chiller and all the bulb costs. My LEDs on the other hand are very cool (in comparison to the T5s), and are basically maintenance free. Any adjustments are made with my computer.
No no no you don't to take out the meters. Just the numbers of T5s, the watt of heaters T5s and the radion gen and how many. I sent you a PM for convenience. Just the name plate numbers

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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