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Old 10-26-2013, 01:58 PM
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MitchM MitchM is offline
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Location: Water Valley, AB
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There's a saying that when you take out a $500 thousand loan, it is your problem. If you take out a $500 million loan it is the bank's problem.

I think where this global money printing issue is going to wind up is going to be a balance between those that hold the money - (individuals, corporations or countries) - and how much social unrest they are willing (or forced) to endure.
There have been a number of governments that have fallen over this issue already and limits placed on bank withdrawals in order to prevent bank runs.
The country of Cyprus recently prevented a run on their banks.
Imagine having a savings account of more than 100,000 Euros suddenly worth 40% less the next day!
People, corporations or countries that have loaned out money in order to benefit themselves in increased production and thereby revenue for themselves are simply going to have to forgive those loans.
The level of social unrest will determine how much they will have to forgive.
The level of social unrest is the unpredictable part.

What is Greece's youth unemployment rate now, > 55%? How long do you think unemployed youth are going to be quiet for, before they enact change and elect in a government that promises them whatever it takes to get into power?
Governments and banks are shifting money around and enacting laws in order to minimize their losses right now.
I think this will take a number of years to play out, but I don't think there is any other outcome possible.

...and RuGlu6, you may just be thankful one day that you DO have to "work for the man", when your taxes are paying for the manpower it takes to protect whatever is it that you presently own.

We live in a very safe country. I am thankful for that.

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