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Old 10-22-2013, 02:31 PM
bruce bruce is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Thompson Manitoba
Posts: 5
bruce is on a distinguished road

I found it best to catch my Male from the main tank a few days after he starts carrying the mouthful of eggs; usually within the first week or so and place him in his own tank. (catch him at night by using a flashlight and basically turning it on him and have your net ready to get him while he is still kind of startled. guide him from the net into a container of water to make the move to the other tank.) put the male in his own small tank with a few rocks for feeling secure. you can use the stick thing for urchins and what not if you wish but I have just as much success using a few plastic aquarium plants like the fern type. excellent place for the little ones to congregate and evade aggression from each other as they get bigger.
My fish would release the young consistently (you could set your watch by them) on the 28th day after first carrying the eggs.
in my experience; if you leave the male in the main tank too long with carrying the young/eggs, he will be more inclined to spit the young while being captured and you will either loose some or depending on the stage of development-may lose them all. I have experienced both of these scenarios and eventually found that by getting him early he always never spit the eggs.
Once he is in the other tank you can either let him carry the full 28 days or net him a couple days early and he will most likely just spit them out right in the net and you can then just move him back to the display.
just my experience with them anyway. hope it helps in some respects.
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