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Old 10-03-2013, 08:44 AM
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Slyguy00 Slyguy00 is offline
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awesome thanks for the input. Ill look that up right now. And im not really sure if it is ich, just preparing for the worst i guess. They have been scratching on the rocks a bit, and it has gotten worse on my sailfin tang. And i just started to notice small spots on one fin on my yellow tang. But at the same time they appear to be somewhat transparent on the fins, but my sailfin has a spec on his eye to. They both seem healthy and are eating lots. And reading up on it further, i believe the cause to my problem might be the fact that the two of them always seem a little bit agressive towards each other. In the morning I will have to decide what route i need to go. Thanks for the helps guys.

Last edited by Slyguy00; 10-03-2013 at 08:46 AM.
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