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Old 09-29-2013, 03:49 PM
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kien kien is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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kien will become famous soon enoughkien will become famous soon enough

Thanks for the comps everyone!

Originally Posted by Snufflupagus View Post
I'm still blown away by your tank, setup, coral, etc. I'm still hoping one day I can have half the tank you do. Are there any tricks to get the full color out of your corals? I fine that mine do well, just can seem to get their true natural colors. It's like one day I'll get a glimpse of the true color and the next day they hide.
Love seeing your tank pictures.
I don't have any tricks. I do more or less the same things that everyone else does. Water changes, dose alk&calc, bioPellets, GFO, Carbon, and prayers. That's about it. Aside from recently adding the prayer reactor my methods have remained unchanged for 4 years. These methods have worked well for me. I've had issues over the years but the issues were usually related to a failure to implement and maintain my methods. Ie, bioPellet reactor failure allowing my nitrates to climb too high. GFO reactor failure allowing my PO4 to get too high. Lack of time to do water changes, or temperature spikes due to our AC failing for an entire summer. So long as I stick with my (fairly simple) methods, I find that things work out well.

Last edited by kien; 09-29-2013 at 04:19 PM.
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