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Old 09-16-2013, 01:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Your tang is still in pretty rough condition and thus, very susceptible to disease. The tang has pretty bad HLLE (head and lateral line erosion) and will require very good care on your part to give him the best chance. If you introduced other fish to the tank at this time not only would that risk introducing disease to your already weakened tang, but it would also make water quality a bigger challenge for you. Water quality is one of the biggest factors in improving HLLE for your tang.

Your 20-gallon quarantine is "over full" already, you admit you're "doing the best you can", so continue doing the best you can by not introducing more fish to the already overloaded quarantine tank. At least your quarantine in a 20-gallon long tank, so that helps the tang have a bit more swimming room. "Quarantine" does not refer to dosing medications, it is simply "segregation and observation" with medications dosed as needed.

I would suggest you keep water quality very high for the tang, don't use carbon (it has been linked to HLLE), use garlic drops on the food, and feed a high quality, varied diet including pellets and frozen food. Hopefully you can get the tang in better condition soon. Kudos on you for trying to save the fish, but he definitely is not out of the woods yet.
Thanks for the input. I'll definitely hold off on the other fish. I have been using carbon but I'll remove that and I've been feeding freeze dried brine shrimp, cyclopeeze and dried nori ripped up small all soaked in garlic guard. Unfortunately the position of the tank against a wall doesn't allow me to use a hob filter and I'm afraid of the tang getting stuck behind an internal particularly because he's still a little skittish (happened a few times in my fresh water days). Is it something I should risk? I have a piece of old live rock in there from the sump of my display, won't that do the same thing?
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