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Old 09-16-2013, 12:11 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Please do some research on the impact that stunted growth has on lifespan. You will have to hunt around, the information is mostly hidden in scholarly articles and most of the articles refer to freshwater fish which information may or may not also be true for saltwater fish. The trouble is, there aren't really any studies or published articles out there directly relating to this question, more that they have comments within their studies. Good luck!
You realize that fish like tangs and angels, etc, live for something on the order of 25 years in captivity right? This is well beyond their wild lifespan. And honestly, what the hell is the difference between my fish living for ten years and 25 years? My dog doesn't even live that long. I am not morally obligated to keep them alive for the entire "possible" duration of their lifespan no more than I am morally obligated to leave them in the ocean.

Everyone keeps on saying "yah, those are freshwater studies done on growth limiting hormones, mostly in tilapia". Which is besides the point given that there is enough observable data out there that I would be more than happy get get behind my statement -- Again, how many dinner plate sized powder blues/yellow tangs are sitting in people's tanks?
This and that.
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