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Old 09-06-2013, 12:21 AM
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Originally Posted by SanguinesDream View Post
How do you chose which area to frag from and how large of a frag do you take from a colony?
any area will be fine , the best is to use a brand new razor blade and cut under the mats , and slice between polyps(not the polyps them selves) the live rock is usually pretty soft , if the polyps are spaced apart and not tight ill just use my bone cutters to snip a piece. youll want to **** the zoas off a bit and have them close their polyps.

as for where to cut in a colonie i prefer to cut out the outside edges, if you cut a polyp in half it will grow back.

the size is really dependant on what you want to do , if its a small colonie you may only want to cut a few polyps if its very large you could make several larger frags.

not all zoas will frag well and not all appreciate being out of water , its trail and error here for that one

if this goes well for you maybe we will move on to grafting

recently grafted a sunny d and a tyree spacemonster together and i did a rasta with a purple hornet, will see in time how they graft but so far so good


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