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Old 08-31-2013, 07:36 PM
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AdamsB AdamsB is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Kelowna, BC
Posts: 145
AdamsB is on a distinguished road

I moved my 90 gallon and lost 150 dollar in fish. One was a beautiful kole tang. I had 10 or so buckets full of rock, fish and coral mixed up so I didn't have fish fighting etc. unloading everything I wanted to get the rock in first so as not to crush my gobies. So I got busy putting everything in and put a bucket to the side with the lid on so I didn't get a jumper. After it was all done I moved my furniture and all the less important stuff

End of the day I say down on the couch and admire my rushed new aqua scape. Then I saw the bucket I put to the side, the only bucket with a lid on it. Opened it to find almost everything dead, the kole was alive but didn't survive the night in the tank. A cleaner survived in the bucket and is still alive today.

Lesson learned. I'll be doing a lot more prep in future. Very disheartening, the financial aspect sucks but the fish were very nice and it could have been avoided.
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