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Old 08-26-2013, 08:57 PM
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
I think you have the day to day setup down pat, looks great. As far as Internet connectivity for me if it could connect to a wireless router that would be perfect as we have one set up already in the room where all our tanks are.
Well, in order to keep the entry cost of the product where I want it ($159), I can't have wifi built into it. Having a webserver running on the unit would require a pricier processor and radio module. Not to mention development time.

So these are my viable options for internet connectivity:

-An add-on module that would retail for $100-$150

-Option to use your Android/iOS device for internet connectivity. $0-$150

If you didn't have a tablet to stay connected to the controller (wirelessly of course), suitable android devices could be purchased for $60-$150. This would have some major advantages as far as possible features. As mentioned already: use your device's camera for webcam viewing of your tank remotely, realtime location weather simulation (pick a location to simulate), scheduled scenes (for instance you could start your thunderstorm scene based on a float sensor, turning on your top-off pump when the sound of rain starts...maybe routed through a spray bar for full effect). Just a few ideas off the top of my head
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