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Old 08-23-2013, 05:15 PM
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Default Neon goby and worms

I put all my existing fish in the big tank yesterday and as expected most went into hiding till this morning and all seem to be adjusting well to their new home the oddity is my neon goby which has never shown any aggression or hunting ability before has been going after bristle worms with a passion so far today it has been carrying around 4 different worms in its mouth and thus far have seen o sign of injury to the goby yet all 4 worms have had bites taken out of them.

Has anybody heard of or seen neon gobies seek out bristle worms and attack them? It is the smallest fish in my tank and gets alng well with all its tank mates but seems to have a penchant for the bristles
My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
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