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Old 08-22-2013, 07:32 PM
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Kraken Kraken is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Richmond HIll
Posts: 288
Kraken is on a distinguished road

Here are a few basic tips:

1 - Under exposure is better than over exposure. If you take pictures where the corals are too over exposed, you will lose all the detail. If you take pictures that are a little underexposed, you can always post edit and recover the details

2 - Always use a tripod when taking macro shots. This is because you will likely be using a low shutter speed due to the need of a higher aperature setting to get a greater depth of field (so your entire subject is in focus).

4 - Try to manual focus if you are doing macro shots.

3 - If your camera has live view, use it to focus by zooming in on your subject. It is much easier than trying to focus through the viewfinder.

4 - Try to lower your blue led's. If your camera has issues with processing it, you can always add it later in Lightroom.

5 - Turn your your pumps off. The flow will cause your corals to move and will make it blurry, especially if your trying to take pictures of euphyillias

6 - Always take pictures at a 90 degree angle from your glass. If you are taking the picture from an angle to the glass, it will distort your pictures.

7 - Take lots of pictures with lots of settings. If you are relatively new to photography, you should play around with the settings. You will learn what each settings does, and you can find what looks best to you for your tank as every tank is different and your personal preferences will be as well for the look that you are trying to get.

8 - If you can, use a remote shutter release. You can reduce the chance of getting blurry photos. If you are trying to do a long exposure, this is a must.

9 - If the coral or whatever you are trying to take pictures of can be moved, do it. Move it to a desirable position for you to take pictures of it (like frags that are sitting on your frag rack etc...)
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