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Old 08-07-2013, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by The Grizz View Post
YES Steve there are 6 pumps and like I stated on page 4 only the 4 DC10000 will be running back into the 300 gal, one pump for every 2' of tank. In theory, the water running into the filter socks should evenly to both sides but I will not know until it is full of water and running. I was going to drill threw all the baffles and put in a piece of PVC as an equalizer but changed my mind. Worst case I will have to drill 2 - 3/4" bulkheads into the front of the sump at each end and run a pipe to equalize the volume or come up with some other amazing idea.
Yeah you'll need some way of equalizing the flow from the chambers on the two sides.

Those pumps will all have slightly different head pressure and will in no way all flow exactly the same amount and the water will not magically flow from the socks to each side to match exactly what the pumps on each side are using. There is no theory to support it otherwise, just wishful thinking. My advise, fix it now rather than later. Personally would have just left a 1/2" gap under all baffles.
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