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Old 07-27-2013, 04:24 PM
geweagle geweagle is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 32
geweagle is on a distinguished road
Unhappy lost yellow tang to a green bubble anenome

Hello all,

I had a very curious yellow tang. Was a great fish. Very active. Family loved him. he got too close to the green bubble anenome. Found him laying on the bottom next to the anenome. I put him in a quantine area and tried to keep him upright. He was still breathing at the time. But after an hour he was finished. Those anenomes can be nasty.

I have a checker butterfly fish which seems curious too and picking at the anenome. Seems unaffected. But I am worried. any suggestions?

And do anenomes excrete soething to attract the fish. they always seem to want to hang near it.

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