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Old 07-24-2013, 03:41 AM
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Coralgurl Coralgurl is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Then you're doing it wrong
Most likely , need to find a better work/life balance!

Originally Posted by michika View Post
I miss the days when people could just be people. I am so tired of all this posturing and keeping up with the Jones' crap. What happened to just being a nice decent person with good values? In short, why do so many people seem to assume their personal value is equatable with their networth or paycheque? This goes double for ladies in their 20s and 30s - seriously what is with this frenemy jealousy?

That's the age ladies are trying to make a name for themselves. Worked with one associate that was sleeping her way up the corporate ladder and she spared no one in her way, especially wives. She was all about image, needless to say, she didn't last long. I also have a neighbor who is exactly as you describe, judges everyone in our culdesac and thinks he sets a bar of standards we should all strive to meet. This guy is a drunk and *******, so I don't even acknowledge him. I live for my family and couldnt care less what others think.

Hopefully they figure it out....
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