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Old 07-03-2013, 05:25 PM
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Originally Posted by ScubaGirl View Post
Yes, I run a canister filter, run carbon all the time, change it about once a month. Running an nitrate reducer in there now but can't remember what it's called off hand. It's a rechargeable packet like thing.

The powerheads have the sleeves. I wasn't running them and then ran them the last 2 water changes with brand new sleeves each time. They are now out again because my friend who owns the LFS said they can be a source too.

I'm pretty sensitive to the taste of heavy metals in water and I drink our tap water so I'm not sure that is a source.
If you can get a hold of a bottle of Prime and also Stability from the lfs or a local reefer do so. Both assist in getting the bugs into turbo.
At peak time how many snails and hermits did you have in your tank.
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