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Old 07-01-2013, 05:05 AM
Acrowhora Acrowhora is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: North Vancouver
Posts: 211
Acrowhora is on a distinguished road

what's your budget and what type of coral are you planning to keep?SPS?LPS?
Originally Posted by geweagle View Post
Hello all,
I am new at this. I have just started a saltwater system, 80 gal. 48" long, 24" deep tank. It was fresh before so I need to upgrade the lighting. I was looking at T5's fixtures, but the more I read the more I am looking at LED's. Initial cost is a high, so I don't want to break the bank, but I do want to have corals. I know they pay in the long run, but got to afford the startup. I was looking at the Vertex Illumilux IV LED Fixture - Dolce Bianco. But I just cannot find anthing to say if it is enough light.

Also there are so many things to add to LED fixtures. So the second question is: does this unit need anything to run it? Or is it a plug and play? At least to start. I cannot even get enough from the manufacture site. It talks all the techno-jargen, but not something simple like how you run it.

Any help or advice would be appreciated. If this is not the right choice maybe you could suggest something else that does not break the bank.

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