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Old 06-26-2013, 01:54 PM
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Wayne Wayne is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 938
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Sorry but I have to disagree with Bryan about the tweezers. If you pop a buble algea with the tweezers you will release the spores and you will have even more! The emerald crabs should eat all your bubble algea that theycan get at.

As for the hair algea I agree with Bryan that you may have phosphate problem. Hair algea could be there for a lot of reasons though, if you have any test results that you could post would be great. How long has the tank been running? Where is the algea localized?

My initial suggestion is that you rinse any frozen foods, if your using tap water or RO water from the grocery store that you double up on your declorinator and that you increase your water changes to every week till things get back under control. If phospates are a problem I recommend using small amounts of GFO and making sure you find the source (not rinsing food, overfeeding, basic husbandry, leaching from live rock...)

There is some reading for you could do if your more interesting about the subject:
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