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Old 06-19-2013, 12:12 AM
mikeo2 mikeo2 is offline
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: calgary
Posts: 18
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Default Newbie questions

I got a tank and everything that was already being used and cared for. I kept 90% of the water so that the tank stayed stable over the move. I have nothing in it but the liverock that was already in it and live sand, both cycled. My water parameters have been good for over a week and are still good. I have 3 questions for you wise people. 1) I have a hang on skimmer rated for 100 gal, tank is 60. At first the cup was getting full in a day with gross looking water, now it gets full within a few hours but with a lot clearer water, is this normal? 2) I left for a couple days and have come back to these whiteish particles stuck all over the glass on the back, mostly where the powerheds aren't pointing. What is this stuff and should I be concerned? 3) I've noticed a new creature in one of the rocks, it's very small almost plant looking thing that is round with lots of almost tentacles, almost like a flower with petals. When I go near it, it retreAts into the rock, should I be concerned with it? Thanks. Bunch in advance.
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