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Old 06-18-2013, 08:11 PM
msjboy msjboy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: burnaby
Posts: 268
msjboy is on a distinguished road

If the real government disclosed it, it will probably create chaos in our world economies, employment, and beliefs etc. Perhaps this is a prelude to a soft disclosure launch. Would be interesting if in our lifetime whether UFO's will indeed be exposes.

eg. - anything related to oil industries from gas pumps to oil exploration - well probably everyone will be unemployed in that industry
- our science education/research is probably half right.. everyone needs re-learning
- anything we buy, well chances are, they will never break.
- all soldiers / military industry is probably rendered no necessary
- everyone sick, well there's probably a cure so expect more humans being able to live longer
- need new world economy,..religions, etc.
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