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Old 07-01-2004, 05:49 AM
zulu_principle zulu_principle is offline
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Default Re: Lonely clown fish

Originally Posted by kuatto
Came home tonight to find my male clown dead Looks like there was a big panic in the tank,frags nocked over and he was on the intake screen for one of the power heads.Now she just circles around searching for her mate,its really heart breaking.
They were togather for nearly 3 years,so I don't know if I should get another to take the male's place or just leave her?Will she accept another clown(false clown)?
Unfortuantely it happens, and sometimes it just could be some type of imbalance (chemical) in one of the fish.

Were they laying eggs ?

I would be paitient until you see longer term how the female reacts, could be should could also die, just make sure she is eating.

Doo-e brings up a couple of interesting points as to why they died, but these are not Maroons and should not be mated as such.


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