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Old 06-12-2013, 02:05 PM
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Dez Dez is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Edmonton
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I am diluting my 29% h2o2 purchased from water works ponds here in Edmonton. I mixed 50ml of 29% h202 with 450ml of RO water, then I started with 3 tablespoons/day in my system for a week and it did nothing. I slowly pushed it to 6 tablespoons/day now for about 2 weeks. I had cyano pretty bad for those who seen my tank anytime in the last 2 years. I also had quite a bit of hair algae. The main reason I started using h202 was not for the algae, but for the fish. We had got a Niger trigger here from a member on Canreef who claimed it was healthy, and immediately the next day ALL of my fish were infested with white spots which I feared was marine velvet. Having mostly sps in my system, I knew I couldn't medicate and I knew that I couldn't catch all the fish out. I knew that you could use h202 with open sores on koi and humans so that's when I started dosing. My fish got better, with exception to my 3 1/2 year old powder blue tang, who couldn't fight off the disease. I was the second owner of that fish too . I warn you, use h202 at your OWN RISK. I was simply experimenting and am still using it daily now. My system is about 350g water volume now. Hope this helps.
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