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Old 06-11-2013, 12:04 AM
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fishyfolks fishyfolks is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: richmond bc
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fishyfolks is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
ok, this is really sad but what I am wondering is why is that thing sold for aquarium use? It should remain where it came from and never end up in anyone's tank. This is not the first time it's hapening, so sorry for your loss.

I knew the danger when my ex bought them. ive had them for SO long now, that i kind of forgot just how bad it could be. kind of the 'that couldnt happen to me' syndrome

I am happy to report that all of the other fish seem fine, i just fed them and the eel and everyone ate. I am running carbon, and ill do a 30 gallon water change everyday for the next week, i guess.
175 Gallon Tank, 33 Gallon Sump, 2 x AI COLOR SOL, Leather corals, colts corals, several brain corals, misc frogspawn, misc sps corals, purple tang, yellow tang, naso tang, hippo tang, 4 clown fish, 5 clams and many many inverts
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