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Old 06-09-2013, 11:27 PM
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AdamsB AdamsB is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Kelowna, BC
Posts: 145
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Default Updates of my 90 gallon

So it's been a while since i've posted any updates here. Been a bit hectic, family visiting, working hard, just gained my Canadian Permanent Residency also

Everythings been going well reef wise, it took a little to learn what effects different light settings on my IT2080 will have on my coral. So far I'm loving the unit, few hiccups to start and i have a few minor complaints, but they're just minor.

I learned that having a 20-30% more blue channel looks cool, but my coral suffered. I've brought it up to 50/50 now (with 60% on each channel now being the max of the day for 5 hours and a slow sunrise and sun set for a total light period of about 10 hours)

But enough of me talking, here are some pics!

In this pic you can see some bubble algae thats bothering my pipe organ, im considering some surgical procedures soon.

Before the bubble algae

And now the favourite photo I have so far. It took about 40 minutes of waiting to get this!
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