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Old 05-29-2013, 06:39 AM
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Originally Posted by ingrhaul
but how do I export the bound phosphate from my system? Or do I have to?
My skimmer will export some of it and the rest I have never worried about. I have not noticed a build up in the sump other than from detritus etc.

Originally Posted by ingrhaul
thanks for your assistance with these questions.
Glad to be able to help. When people have an easier and more successful time with their reef aquariums it benefits everyone and helps the hobby to grow.

Originally Posted by ingrhaul
it's always great to get the expert's take on things so we can make an informed decision
I still learn new things in this hobby so I don't consider myself an expert. I had my first saltwater tank in the late 1970's so I have seen a lot of things come and go and technology change. This is what Foz Down represents is a technology advancement. Phosphate control started with water changes, then Algal Turf Scrubbing, then Aluminum Oxide, then Granular Ferric Oxide, then Carbon dosing and now there is Foz Down, an instant Phosphate binder.

Hope that answers your questions and if you need advice on your specific application feel free to PM me.

__________________ - Foz Down - an easy way to eliminate algae outbreaks caused by Phosphate and bring back the fun of reef keeping.