Thread: Clown fish sick
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Old 05-23-2013, 03:44 PM
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Default Clown fish sick

So my female clown has come down with something. I'm 99% sure it's not ich. It almost looks like a parasite or something that has gotten under her scales or something. I've tried to get decent pics but she's still very active and something about a camera freaks her out. Here's a couple shots I could get:

The white spots appeared over night, they don't seem to be getting any worse and they are only in this one spot on the one side.
She doesn't seem to be affected by them, swims normally, eats like a pig etc. None of the other fish I have it and I'd like to keep it that way. Is this a type or parasitic worm or something? How do I treat it? Any thoughts as to what it can be?
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