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Old 05-22-2013, 06:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Skimmer King View Post
Wayne I have to call your bluff I have 2 seahares in my RSM 250 and they are both retarded lol they have not touch a single bit of GHA its really ****ing me off and I'm also running GFO aggressively and shortened my light cycle from 11 to 6 hrs my next attack is a yellow tang which is the boss of algae eating. I have a tommi tang in there and he is doing nothing. and im also battling Apatasia too and red turf \

oh ya isn't reefing fun
Can you post a pic of one so I can take a look at it?

Post a request in the livestock section for someone who might have one they can loan or sell you that does the job

They avoid high flow because they are found in nature in lagoon type areas so try cutting back to see if it makes a difference

I would get a small algae covered rock and put it and the sea hare in a floating plastic container. The sea hare should attack it voraciously. Than put it back in the tank in a very low flow area on an algae covered rock.

Let us know .
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