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Old 05-03-2013, 04:03 AM
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Default Response to the review


Thanks for your review and for trying the food. I had such great success using this food for my fishes when I was a wholesaler that I wanted to offer it to hobbyists so their fish can do well too. I have had fish like sleeper gobies eventually lay egg masses in my commercial holding systems. This food is amazing. I think part of the success is that it comes from the ocean while other foods like Brine Shrimp, Mysis and Cyclopeeze all come from lakes.

Just to comment on a few of your remarks.

Originally Posted by mrhasan
Clownfishes are getting boring because almost all the foods will have their pictures! Atleast this one has anemone too
I can understand labels being boring with clownfish, I chose this particular clownfish as it was my personal favorite due to it's unique coloration. I jokingly called it "Spot" because the center white bar was actually a round white spot.

Originally Posted by mrhasan
The packet itself is a very thick ziplock type back so no need to put them in the fish food box.
I chose to use a thick ziplock top bag so people could break a small piece off of the slab while it's in the bag. Then drop it into a cup of water to thaw out and not have to get their fingers stinky. Whether they rinse it or not that is their choice. Personally I don't rinse it as the juice contains a lot of fatty acids, amino acids etc. I consider it a way of supplementing the acros in my system. I do have a huge skimmer and use ozone so I can export the oils, fatty acids and amino acids quite easily.

Originally Posted by mrhasan
It smells BAD! Really BAD! I guess its because of all the planks were trapped alive and frozen and their rotting frozen souls are all decaying and hence the smell!
There should be a strong seafood type smell but it should NOT smell rotten nor be sticky(like tape). The food is frozen live and then remains frozen during processing. The only time it should thaw out is when you thaw it out to feed to your fishes/corals. The food should be a pinkish white colour.

Originally Posted by mrhasan
The pieces are relatively bigger than I expected planktons to be. Possibly around 2cm pieces, its bigger (well much much more bigger) than cyclopeeze.
There is many different sizes of plankton starting from phyto to zoo etc. The plankton in this product should range in size from .75cm to 1.75cm. It averages between Adult Brine Shrimp and Mysis for size. I have small fishes that eat it with relish such as Green Coral Goby etc.

Originally Posted by mrhasan
Although its too early to note is affect on the fishes but all I can say for now is they love it.
You should see a positive effect after a month or so. One thing I noticed is that when Peppermint Shrimp eat it for a while they turn bright red from being transparent.

I have fed many different types of LPS this food. Everything from Tubastrea, Euphyllia, Acans and Blastos, Scoly's, Lobo's, Fungia and Zoos all love it.

I also have a neutrally buoyant microscopic food based on this product. It ranges in size from 1 micron to 60 microns. I feed this to the zoos and Chalices as well. It is called Coral Grow Vitality.

Originally Posted by reefwars
Now if the 16oz pks make a come back ill be very happy
I will be producing some 16 oz packages shortly.

If anyone has any questions feel free to shoot me a PM.

For more info about the product the website is here

__________________ - Foz Down - an easy way to eliminate algae outbreaks caused by Phosphate and bring back the fun of reef keeping.
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