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Old 05-02-2013, 07:27 PM
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Originally Posted by ScubaSteve View Post
In terms of the rent, he is only allowed to raise the rent a certain percentage every year if you are an existing tenant (at least in BC). My landlord does ~4% per year, but only does 2% for me because I take care of his house (ie. I do all the gardening, etc). Unless you live in a really pricey place (but I assume not because you're a student), $250 is rediculous.

Even if you convinced the landlord to not raise the rent and let you keep the tank, I'd still go. He'd never really feel happy with the situation and probably make the living arrangement uncomfortable. As it is he sounds like a bit of a dink .

Time to go find a sweet new place!
His defense for increasing the rent by such amount is that he didn't increase it for the last 3 years (I am here for like 2 years and my room mate for 3 years). We take the whole bi-level in a single contract so he is increasing $250 in the total contract so that's like $100 for each of us (+ a 3rd subtenant).

Yah I think it would be better to move out anyway. He won't be very friendly in the long terms. I would have been fine with the increase but no tank tripped me.

You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob
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