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Old 04-22-2013, 05:25 AM
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asylumdown asylumdown is offline
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I just threw out this exact auto-feeder today for the same reason you're talking about. Apparently it really doesn't perform very well with small sized pellets. I also used to use the single chamber eheim, but switched to the dual chamber because I knocked three (yes, three) of the single chamber ones in to my aquarium over the course of a year, frying all of them. I thought the dual chamber was built in a way that would make it less likely to go swimming at a moment's notice.

However, from what I gather now, the auger design really falls apart with the small pellets. A single turn of the auger seems to dump enough food for 40 fish if you're using the small pellets, and in my case, they were gumming up the gear so that one of the two chambers wouldn't complete a full revolution and the little door flap would stay propped open.

If you're feeding small pellets I still think the best feeder available is the single chamber eheim, it's the only one that I've worked with that doesn't dump so much in your tank turns in to an algae soup. I bought two of them yesterday so that I will have a backup when I inevitably knock the one I'm using now in to the tank.
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