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Old 04-18-2013, 08:22 PM
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MCC MCC is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 69
MCC is on a distinguished road

don't give up !!!

i agree with you, i kept nano tanks all my life, and now i started a 'bigger' tank - 60 gallons. I know its not as massive as yours, but I been having issues as well.

i guess with nano tanks if you keep up with the water changes then it helps fix whatever problem it is quickly as there isnt much water to replenish/replace.

I have lost some fish/corals too!

but keep at it... i kind of waiting out for my two ich invested tangs to either make a somewhat recovery or die. Either way I plan to stop adding any fish for a while, and focus on corals. I haven't tried sps as i m not confident enough yet to take care of them.
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