Thread: ich help
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Old 03-29-2013, 09:08 PM
scubadawg scubadawg is offline
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
I sure hate reading these threads. People just keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again.... Unfortunately, some of the advice isn't the best either.

I QT new fish for a total of 3 months (not 6 weeks) and use the hyposalinity method. Have been 100% successful with that. Not only does it ensure your fish are ich free, but they get a chance to eat well and get strong before being added to the DT where they might not get a very warm welcome initially from the resident inhabitants.

The trick is to have a fully cycled QT running all the time. If you try to set one up quickly and transfer sick fish from your DT, that very often does not work. Also, it is not good enough just to observe new fish in your QT without treatment for a few weeks or even 6 weeks. They still could be carrying ich without showing symptoms and infest your DT.

And 6 weeks fallow in your DT is not long enough. Go 3 months to be sure.

And yes, ich is deadly. Many people think they have MV when their fish die, but ich kills too. I know,... as I've been through all that in the past...
I have a 90 gallon and 50 gallon that are fully cycled, they both been running with carbon, to take the cupramine out, so I'm just making sure the temp and salinity are the same before I start the transfer. The 90 has been running since the end of Dec, the 50 gallon was started in Feb
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